Delta Matches United’s Permanent Elimination Of Domestic Change Fees!

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United shocked the world yesterday when they announced they would permanently eliminate domestic change fees.

Delta has now matched United and will also permanently eliminate domestic change fees. Like United, they will still not allow changes for basic economy tickets.

It’s unclear if passengers will get a refund if their new flight is less expensive than their original flight. I’ve asked Delta for more information about this and whether they plan to allow free standby or award redeposits as well and will update this post if they respond.

One has to wonder if the premium for non basic economy tickets will rise to make up for that difference? It will likely help convince some people to upgrade to regular economy tickets.

Delta is also matching United’s waiver of change fees on all tickets, including international and basic economy tickets, that are purchased through the end of 2020 for travel anytime.

Unlike United, Delta is blocking middle seats through at least 1/6/21 and they still allow young children to fly without a mask.

Unfortunately it does not seem like Delta will be matching United’s free standby and free award redeposit fee changes.

American and JetBlue, the ball is now in your court! This will be a tough change for JetBlue to make, as free changes is one of the main highlights of their elite status. It will be interesting to see how they respond…

HT: chff

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30 Comments On "Delta Matches United’s Permanent Elimination Of Domestic Change Fees!"

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Question: does this mean change fees for same day flights, or can you always change flights to any other day now?


Where does Delta say this is permanent? Lucky is saying that only United called this permanent.


Brian from TPG ? :)))


Sure, Jake from State Farm.


Don’t worry, United has it figured out. It sounds great on its face, but they will simply recoup the revenues they are giving up. First of all, as you mention, the upcharge from Basic Economy to Main cabin will increase considerably. And for domestic tickets, how often did it make sense to pay a $200 change fee instead of just throwing away the ticket and buying a new one. And note that if the fare decreases, the residual is lost unlike Southwest. Does this new policy apply to crossborder fares to Canada which for most purposes is treated the same as domestic rather than international.


Dan, free same day change has been United elite status benefit till now, any chance United will add other/better benefits?


american has already matched, dan, and added INTERNATIONAL (albeit short haul) locations. VERY surprising delta didnt match the standby policy, but perhaps they will now that united AND american did it.

Dee Kay

This for award tickets as well?


What about residual voucher on exchange is delta offering it like AA?


To clarify, if I have a ticket for Delta in 2 days time and I decide I don’t want to take my trip what am I entitled to? A travel credit with Delta equal to my airfare good for one year or will they refund my Amex Delta CC the value of the flight? The ticket booked was Basic Economy.


This day should go down in history and be celebrated every year! These airlines customer service reps won’t have to deal with people screaming at them for charging $150 to change a $80 ticket a few hours later (plus change in difference, of course)

Dan, can we mark this date? This must be a birthday of someone in your family for such good news.

Nat Zitomer

Why do they discriminate against the international traveler by not applying the same policy to all customers?


There was a post here stating that Delta had extended its policy of no cancellation fee on international flights on all flights booked before August 31st. Was that extended again or is there now a fee?


Permanently? Or just till they start making money again and change it back?
