Price Mistake? $25 Walmart Gift Card For Just $10!

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Update 4: Walmart cancelled my order, but when I used WalMart chat and asked if they could honor the pricing on 1 gift card, they gladly offered a free $15 gift card as compensation. Numerous others are reporting receiving a $15 gift card as compensation as well. Currently the chat wait time is just 6 seconds, but I have a feeling that’s about to climb 😉

Commenters are also also reporting getting a $25 gift card or a $15 gift card per order cancelled.

Originally posted on 1/20:

Update 3: Here is a screenshot of the $25 gift card for $10. And here’s a great Walmart meme while we’re at it 😀

Update 2: Sold out!

Update: This is also available as an e-gift card. Select the $25 denomination and it will cost just $10.
$25 Walmart Gift Card For Just $10!

When you select the $25 denomination it shows a $15 discount making the total just $10!

Shipping under $50 is $6.97, and is $4.97 on $50+ orders. There is a 950 card limit.

Be sure to take a screenshot of your order confirmation.

HT: David1, via DDF

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448 Comments On "Price Mistake? $25 Walmart Gift Card For Just $10!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Got 995!!!!


Got 950!!!!


great – just ordered 3

they will probably cancel as soon as they realize

cant hurt to try though

thanks dan




Can you combine these for a single purchase?


Just bought 30 of them. Lets see what happens


Ordered a few to see if it will go through


I just ordred 6 of them, lets see if it goes through


Ordered a bunch. So far so good.


It looks dead –


10 ordered. Just hoping they don’t change them to $10 gift cards.


obviously if you order more 995 they will spot the mistake. it is logical and safer to say a normal number


I just ordered 2 GCs and indeed, it just charged me $10 each. If this deal explodes, Walmart will likely cancel orders, so I wanted to at least get a few before they do that…


Just bought 10 and paid for the fast shipping. I don’t want them to have a chance to think and change their mind


not working for me. no discount appears in cart


In for 50. What’s the over/under on how long before these get cancelled?


Can I redeem the cards for a full refund at walmart?


In for 950 thanks dan


why do a feel the same as when i bought the powerball


Just ordered 10, lets hope for the best…


Got 12 of them…thanks Dan!


Is there a chance these orders get honored?


In for 100 + 850


Got 10. Thanks Dan and JJ

Dans the man

As the famous Dan once said “Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered”

I’m in for 9


Use as many accounts as you can guys. In the past they give a courtesy credit to each account


in for 5


Ordered 50 let’s see …


I ordered 4. $ was already charged on my CC.


Just ordered (through ebates) 20 of them for $204.97
Thanks Dan!


Maybe they’re short on cash and this is how they sell bonds?


@Smellyfart: Thanks for killing it for everyone! Smart kid


i think the site is crashing… won’t let me sign in…


Thanks in for 450 cards


Subtotal $9500.00
Standard shipping $4.97
Est. tax$0.00
Based on 11219 Change
Est. total $9,504.97

opinion please

do you worry about them closing? if i buy lots of them


Subtotal $9500.00
Standard shipping $4.97
Est. tax$0.00
Based on 11219 Change
Est. total $9,504.97

Thank you for your order

We’ll send you an email with tracking information when your items ship.

dans fan

can this be used only @wal mart ?


did 2 orders 1 order for 1 card and a 2nd order for 10 cards.

lets see what happens…..


ordered 20 Thanks Dan!!!

btw the $25 denomination is out of stock.

thanks for those who had to order 950 🙁


Got 6. Maybe I’ll go for more…

dans fan

can this be used only @ wal mart ?

Chaim H

Ordered 400 of em !
Hashem Echad


In for 51. Hope it goes through as expected! Thanks Dan!

Starved artist

thank you everyone who ordered 999, for spoiling it for the rest of us!


Thenewguy, what kind of courtesy credit? What do you mean? @Thenewguy: @Thenewguy:


i think the site is crashing… won’t let me sign in


@smellyfart: what a loser


@Izzy: Pay for your shopping partially with cc and some with gc, then return some stuff. They give cash.


Got it! What are the chances of being honored?


Why they charged me for shipping ? i’m in 10 = $100

also, all i see in my Email

“Balloons Gift Card 10 $10.00 $100.00”

it’s not showing anywhere it’s worth 25 $


Walmart will send 10 dollar gift cards…I promise you that
Print out your receipt!


Ordered 2 x. once for 50 once for 6 just i case they dont like greediness.

I checked thru the order number on and there’s no place that it mentions that it’s for $25 denomination.

Luckily I saved the original order form as proof.

Just headsup.


Got 16… kinda thinking I should get more… this is like straight up cash and to be able to get walmart why i am at it… too good to pass up.


If you choose the $10 option it says it was $25. They mixed them up. No way this goes. Maybe a courtesy.


I bought 5, but my confirmation email is showing 5 gifts card for $10 each, but doesn’t show that they are $25 gift cards.


i just bought 90 and recieved email confirmed but it dosent say $25 gift card?

Balloons Gift Card
Quantity: 90
Price: $10.00 each
Sold by

Arrives by Tue, Jan 26


Once order is processed, it doesn’t say anywhere that you ordered $25 value gift cards, it just says balloon gift cards for $10 each, that is both in the confirmation email, and on walmart site by order history, they might just send $10 cards


Not working in calif


Just got confirmation for five.
But when I went back to look, the $25 dollar choice was gone.
Thanks Dan!


And Walmart has such great products, too!


just ordered 100


If they don’t honor it will we have to keep the $10 gift cards they send? Good luck to those with $9950 worth of cards….!

I ordered 15, as 150$ is no big deal to spend


i’m stopping at 425 cards… i keep changing my mind though.. if it goes through its greatest deal ever


If you ordered 950. YOU SUCK!!!!!



I’m in for 20 cancellations.


They sent me an email saying that the payment could not be processed. I paid through paypal


if this goes through whats the best place to sell these

In middle of supper

Hey Dan. Thanks for the excitement!!! Out of sheer curiosity how many did u order? Thanks bro


Any reason I still get charged shipping even after $50 purchase?

Osborne Greene

In for 5. Let’s see.


Just ordered 60


I have the same question. What if they send $10 cards?


They updated the price


Wording is the same for $10 cards (was $25, save $15).

Hope you all want $10 cards.


Hahaha, people complaining about the cost of shipping on this deal… Hahahaa.


Order Cancelled


It should say Demonination:10


Just got a email that they canceling my order..


They canceled my order already


They WILL send $10 cards. Already got them. I ordered Tuesday. Rush shipment.


I already have an authorization reversal on my credit card. I’ve never seen a negative like that before.


@jay I just checked and still got the discount price


Same issue


I dont need 10$ gift cards, order cancelled.


Ordered 20. Walmart cancelled the order


Take screenshots! It did state $25 denomination after I ordered. Not in the email though.


Their not honoring it


eGift cards arriving in $10 denominations, not $25


Be prepared to call customer service!


To everyone ordering 950, do you really shop at walmart often enough to justify $23,000+ of gift cards that will need to be liquidated in $25 increments? I understand you got $11,000 for free potentially but like is it really worth it?


Can you buy Visa gift cards with Wal-mart gift cards?


in for a 100, my gut tells me they will be sending out $10 dollar cards, may cancel.


I ordered 950 but now im really nervous that I will get 10 dollar cards also a big shoutout too Y LANDSMAN you rock


Price still $10 on mobile


@Imadayan: read the article clearly states that shipping goes down, isn’t free…


@Achshell: Thank you


I put it on my Amex. I’ll do a chargeback if they want to send me $10 gift cards.


@ Yis of course it’s worth it u ccan buy a10 grand of iPads and resell easy on amazon


Wal-Mart announced last week that it would close 269 stores lol they might close more now!!


If they send me $10 gift cards I will dispute the charge on my amex. Order clearly says Money denomination: 25


@Yis – giftcard reselling sites work great for liquidating these without ever stepping foot in a Walmart.


Update Dead


Just got 100


Update dead


At least print out the screen that shows up right after you place your order. that’s the last place you’ll see the $25 denomination. No guarantee but at least it’s proof.


400 bought I hope we get it


@josh: you placed an order yesterday and they sent $10 ones not $25?

bobby kay



7:17PM in for 6


That was quick got cancellation email already.

Thank you for shopping with Unfortunately, due to an error processing payment information, we have had to cancel the following order.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Does it expire?


Order cancelled


Dead as can be!






@Imadayan: gift cards are not included in the orders over $50 free shipping

**Excludes photo, pharmacy, tires, freight, gift cards, and most Marketplace items. Marketplace items count toward $50 threshold. Surcharge applied during checkout to orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam. Cannot ship to all addresses, including P.O. boxes and remote addresses.




Item not available


e-gc still works

Thanks, Dan!

meir gruskin

I got it but Can someone post a screen it went dead before I took screen shot


E-Cards dead as well


$25 option is gone.

“error processing payment information” is such BS. “Error in Walmart IT department” is more like it.


@yis what is oos


If you look at email confirmation… It says Qty: $10, instead of $25.


@ohno Yes


I got an email cancellation already! That sucks.


got email: Error with order. Cancelled.


My cc was charged, no reversal, and no cancellation yet. I really don’t want $10 ones. What to do? What courtesy credit are the other posters talking about?


@Eilyahu: out of stock


@Chucks: There is always a dispute option.


Guys, order egift card instead, no shipping charges and gets in your inbox within 4 hours of placing your order


Can some1 post a screenshot where it has the denomination of 25$ and payment of 10$?


My order was cancelled 😟


Chuck, the email confirmation doesn’t list the gift card amount. It only lists the quantity you ordered and the price.


people getting cancellations, how many did you order? error processing payment may be because you exceeded your transaction or credit limits


cancelled order of 30


I order 50. But in the email doesn’t say if the 50 cards are for $10 value or $25.. How can I figure that out?

curry 30

Make sure you take a screenshot of the confirmation. on the bottom it says denomination: 25


Can someone send me the screenshot? I forgot to take 1



I got – thanks Dan. I still feel like pointing out, Smellyfart(good one) you’re an idiot together with people who selfishly order that absurd amount. You hurt everyone’s including yourself chances at getting anything, when selfish people like yourself order that amount.

Isn’t it pashut at this point what should be done?


Cancelation email and my credit card was already refunded


@whattodo: cancel the order on their website


Cancellations streaming in…

Fun game as long as it lasted… Not even 🙁

Thanks a trilion

brought 10, you are the best.

Screen Shot

Can someone please post a screen shot showing the sales page for the $25 card for $10 with the $15 savings.

Hint- If you printed up your order confirmation page (not the one you can get from your account later) under “Balloons Gift Card” it will say “Money denomination: 25” If you didn’t close out your browser you can still print it up/screenshot it from there. It wont show up in your “orders” on Walmart.


Thank you for shopping with Unfortunately, due to an error processing payment information, we have had to cancel the following order.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


@Smelly Fart. Isn’t your handle redundant? Do any of them smell nice. Thanks for maxing out your order 🙁


Did anyone get a screenshot? Can’t believe I forgot to take one. Doesn’t show anywhere in email or in order details that it was for $25 cards.
Is there anyway to post a screenshot here so we have it in case we need it


Hey dan im just wondering why you are silent about all this, you usually get involved in the jucy conversations


sorry guys


@Chucks: I just noticed the same thing, SOB !!! They actually removed the $25 option on the drop down menu.


not honored guys


My order was just cancelled


Didn’t get any cancellation email. Hope they don’t send me 10 dollar instead. If they do, can i return them?


Were the egift card 25$ or 10$


@Eliyahu. He’s just eating dinner. Let him be 🙂


anyone still show their order in “processing” status?

dans fan

did 3 orders 1 of 100 1 of 150 and 1 of 100 total of 350 the last 100 they canceld already


Already got an emailing Error processing your recent order, and they say order is cancelled.

Anything I can do still with it?


in for 10 my son’s order was just canceled


@ hanna sorry bout that🌞


I have screenshots of all my order confirmations. They clearly reveal that they were $25 denominations for $10.


I ordered 10. Why have I not received a cancellation email yet?


if anyone has a screenshot can you please email it to me – forgot to take one – [email protected] . Thanks dan- you the man!!


I have screenshots of all my order confirmations. They clearly reveal that it was $25 denominations for $10 cost.


Can the people who ordered but got this ridiculous cancellation complain that they should honor it?


My 2 Orders were canceled. oh well.


i got a screen shot


Mine was cancelled. Anything to do about it?


Can somebody please email me a screenshot From the 25$
Thank You
I did not get a cancellation that on the email it says $10
[email protected]


@s: mine is still processing for 100

dans fan

i ordered the egift and the ussual gc the egift got canceld but the other one still not


@shlomo – can u post or send me the screenshot of the order sheet

Steven Gross

either way, this has been fun


Order still in process. Ordered 5 plus some other items. Gotta be reasonable.


@Shlomo: please email it to me
[email protected]
Thank You


@dandoo: sent to you


I have screen shot. Card was charged. Although ordered numerous, rcvd email with a single $10 (not $25) e-gift card. Weird.


Anonymous: 148 – I have a cart screenshot for 100 QTY, it shows – money Denomination: 25, where can I post it for you?

Rushed It

Has anyone who opted for “Rushed Delivery” had their order cancelled? I placed an order a good hour ago with rush delivery and have not yet received cancellation.


For the pepople who got 950 gift cards do you mind if i buy 22 gift cards off you i realy want to buy something


ordered 90. They’re coming for $10 each not $25


Just cot a cancellation notice


Can someone send me there screen shot that it was a $25 demonization for $10


Can some1 please send me the screenshot of the 25$ cards to [email protected]. Thanks in advance.

No problem

@sharingiscaring: sure I’ll sell you 22 of my 697. I’ll even discount it. $24.75 each.

Dan r

Thanks to greed and red flags the deal is dead and orders being cancelled.



If my order is honored is will sell you 22 for cost price.


This was a typographical error We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are cancelling all the orders. Thank you for shopping at Walmart.


does not work on gift cards


Ordered an hour ago and did not receive email confirmation although my card was charged.


At people requesting the screenshots of other orders. How will it help you my screenshot has my order number on it. When you try calling walmart(if you do) they will say you have the wrong order.


This was a typographical error. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for shopping at Walmart.


They cancelled my order


Pity no one ordered 770… Lol!

shaya ,for anyone who did not take a screenshot tipe this in to your browser % the it will come up as you just placed the order & take a screenshot


Anyone have a screenshot for 10 gift cards in the cart?

Walmart lol

Orderd 15,000 no cancellations yet,


is it worth taking a screenshot of the pending charges in my amex app after i received a order cancellation due to processing error email? if they had actually had an error processing the payment then there wouldn’t be a pending charge on my amex


@Rushed It: I placed 3 separate orders. 1 order of five cards, I have screenshot of this. 2nd order of 10 cards, since I didn’t screenshot I cancelled the order. 3rd order was for 10 cards and I chose rush delivery, this is the only one that Walmart sent me calculation for. (So far)


for those who did not take a screenshot of your order, you could still retrieve it in your history, I just retrieved mine and printed it.


egift order was canceled. people who called in to complain and were successful, please post with results…


Can some1 send me the verification that it’s a 25$ card for 10$. Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance.

Adam b

Does anyone’s say the 25 dollar denomination in their order that was emailed? Mine only says how much I paid for each


for those, who didn’t print their order, you could retrieve it in your browsing history. Just found mine and printed it.


ordered 10, still no cancellation. can someone please email me screenshot to [email protected]

Rushed It

@Charles: Thank you for that. I guess it just a waiting game at this point.


I ordered rush, no cancellation yet


@adina – please send screenshot to [email protected] Thanks!
I ordered with rush shipping – maybe it will go out :_)


anyone who got a screenshot please email to [email protected]



dan, maybe you could post a screenshot for everyone to use

Adina – you will find your order with denomination : 25


Ordered 150, got the e-mail that my order was cancelled because of an error processing payment info… I do have a screenshot though of the order confirmation. Has anyone called customer service?


smellyfart and no problem
i hope your order gets cancelled


I need a screen shot please bought 30 and 60 and 110 and 210 please email to [email protected]


Just received a cancellation notice. Not happening. I had 36 cards ordered.


If anyone has spoken to customer service about cancellation please share…


guys give it up you are not getting anything out of this! go back to manufacturing points you’ll get a lot further!


placed two orders (physical gc) aound 6:30pm, 50 each, no cancellation emails yet. my order placed later for the e-gift card was cancenlled immediately though.


@Adina: i ordered through the dans deals twitter link, so no history to retrieve page from. 🙁


I need screenshots please [email protected]



A mess for sure. Proud owner of 80 $10 gift cards. Anyone wanna buy some? Lol


@Adina: it doesn’t show anymore if you logged off your Walmart account. U can see Walmart in the history but won’t show you what it said on the page.


can someone please email me screenshot to [email protected]? Tnx.


Revived an email that the order was cancelled


Can someone post the screenshot on the forums? Thank you


Ordered 15 and got confirmation email, then ordered 950 completed order and even toke a screenshot! But didn’t got an email and its not in my recent orders section!..


@Meee: I don’t know if it be wise to put personal info on a public forum….


I need screenshots too please for 10,5,50 to [email protected]

Thanks for the help if you can.


you may not necessarily receive a cancellation email. Mine said cancelled through the website when i signed into my account (stating payment could not be verified)


In confirmation email it doesn’t mention that it’s $25 denominations it just says balloon gift card. Price $10.
I screenshot the order page and it definitely does say”money denomination 25″
Hands crossed


I need a screen shot for 5. Pls. [email protected]. Tnx.


Hey one of you in the above list needs to get a class action suit organized, and from the names I have read I bet a bagel one of you if, not many are Lawyers.


hey dan thanks for this deal. why did i have to take a screen shot of my order?

Liam Knuj

@SmellyFart: Orders that were never placed have a 0% chance of being filled.


@Adina: how can u retrieve it? Mine says $10 price but doesn’t mention the value


Also if someone has a screenshot of 15 girftcards plz email it 2 [email protected]


Got email order was cancelled.


Would Walmart Store match the price?

Oiber Chuhem

While this was going on i knew they’ll cancel it out eventually, so instead i walked straight into walmart, asked for price match and got my 30 cards price matched!!! Whooooo


@Liam Knuj:

I was probably the first to order.
I got the first comment!!!


can someone send me a screenshot of 10 and if possible of 13 to [email protected]


Please email screen shot order of 50

To [email protected] thanks


@JD: same


“An email was sent on Wed, Jan 20”
Order placed
*Email sent*

I never received an email for GC or for cancellation (it was an eCard).
Just gotta wait and see what happens.



Why are there pathetic people like you? Serious, your name is Rabbi on top of that. You clearly knew this was an error. Go do something more honorable with your life


@Oiber Chuhem
Ok, since it was my idea, what we are going to do about!? 😉


Receiving all in $10 Giftcards – Multiple Orders not Canceled


Hey, quick Bernie Sanders is hosting lost episodes of Seinfeld on JBS.


Anyone else do express shipping? I was hoping for quicker processing doing it that way. No cancellation email yet but I am not optimistic


I am selling screen shots of any needed quantity for $10 Wally gc.


Does anyone on this board believe that we have a chance here?

I am considering cancelling my order to save myself the trouble of trying to return $10 gift cards.



Can someone email me the screen shots @ [email protected]

na nach

I ordered 100 Gift cards, If they are shipped to me I’m willing to sell them all for 1,850 if interested please email me or give me your best price [email protected]


Hi ___,
Thanks for your order – we hope you found everything you need at our Every Day Low Prices!

Need to change your order?
You can request a cancellation and then place a corrected order, but act quickly! Orders are usually prepared for shipment within a few minutes of being placed.
If there’s no Request Cancellation button at the link above, it is too late to cancel the order, but you can always return it for free according to our return policy.

Shipping to home
Item Qty Price Total
Balloons Gift Card 950 $10.00 $9500.00
Arrives by Wed., Jan 27

Subtotal: $9500.00


Someone please send me some screen shots to [email protected]


i just called them. they realized there was an error and cnceleed all orders. i spoke with a manager in the corporate department and she said they would honor one gift card at this price.


spoke to Walmart. Acted naive and said I was just confused by the vague nature of my confirmation email, and wanted to check they had this down for $25.

I was told that they were going to send $10 cards. They had no intention of warning/checking with me.

Order cancelled.


Haven’t gotten any cancellations on mine yet. Poo poo poo


the e-cards were processed with a value of $10 not $25 I called customer service and they told me that the gift cards are processed at the value you paid not what the screen shot says. They would not cancel and told me to dispute the card with the credit card company


Didn’t get a cancellation email, and still says processing on the website. Do you think it’ll be honored if I have a screenshot of my “Thank you for your order” page that says $25?


I have a screen shot, so they better not send me $10 GC’s. They could cancel my order, or send $25 GC’s. Done.


“Greedy, greedy, hungry puppy” a big shout out to all those that thought purchasing 50, 100, or 950 wouldn’t immediately set off every warning system they have in place. The number one rule on any deal, is to partake, but don’t over due it. Now no one gets their cards, and everyone loses. (Except Walmart)


got $800 dollars worth of $10 gc’s. ouch.


Spoke with customer service and was told that the orders will be categorically cancelled and the credit card charges reversed, even though e-gift cards were delivered.




Chatted with customer service and this is what they said
“I’m really sorry to hear that the amount is different. Let me explain that we have a site error on Gift Card orders also our Web site team is working on this error, in this case please allow 48 hours for a proper resolution since we have already escalated to our Gift Card Team and Billing Department. Once again I do apologize for this inconvenience also in an effort to compensate this inconvenience I would like to send you once gift card for $15.00. How does that sound?”


what was everyone gonna do with their scheme money (if it went thru)? I was gonna buy a big TV


buy an iphone 6s for 260$ worth of giftcards

Jannis Mckinley

Hi there, my name is Jane, i work for the Walmart Accounting Department, Southern Division based out of Atlanta, GA. My nephew forwarded this to me and not to spoil the fun or anything but when these errors occur, we, executive policy can “honor” them as long as Walmart Inc.’s loss remains under $125,000. So, for future reference mister blogger or whoever controls this site, it is probably in your best interest to keep it under the radar so that at least you can benefit. The same goes with most companies’ price mistakes. Just a tip of advice from a woman with a bit of experience here.


@Jannis Mckinley:
All very fascinating, expect that your IP address shows that you’re posting from Spring Valley, NY 😛


So is everyone cancelling?


she use a proxy? lol


@josh … im thinking ….well not everyone… lets set up a spreadshit and see how many we need to cancel to remain under 125k lol


I cancelled.




I see three options:
1. Wait to recieve $10 cards and then protest charges.
2. Cancel
3. Small claims court action against Walmart
What’s the move guys?



Dan the man!


It’s Janice (or Janis) not Jannis

John Oliver

@Jannis Mckinley: Janice from accounting don’t give a…


what’s the thing with the screen shot? what does it help for?


One of the fastest ways I’ve ever hit spending on a 150k biz plat. Pity they’re all gonna get canceled.


@Dan: Lol! 😀


You gotta work on your spelling. Some things come out worse than others.


they told me to cancel my orders and they will honor one gift card


Gimme a break. You’re not going to SCC, and would be laughed out anyways.
Why would you cancel? You mind getting $10 GC’s?


Your posting name is rather offensive, but I’ll answer you anyways. In the order confirmations, it doesn’t say what the value of the gift card was, just what you payed. Many are reporting receiving $10 gift cards. The screenshot shows that you ordered a $25 guft card, not $10.


Just got 500. Hope it goes through.



i spoke to a walmart rep

he said they will know what to do in 48 hours


PSA: General proclaimer relating to price mistakes. NEVER CALL until your order is shipped or canceled. It’s much easier to cancel an order in you without much ado before it’s shipped. Once they sent it, canceling gets much harder.


You just ordered 500? How’d you do that?


@Dave @Dave:

lets do option 3 and take them to small claims court lol


I got a screenshot which clearly says the denomination was 25. Will they honor it or will I have to fight with them ( i did not get a cancellation)


Check out the site now. The $25 card is gone. But if you select the $10 one it says save $15, was $25! lol what a bargain


@Jannis Mckinley:

“Mister Blogger” is the man and this site is amazing. Jannis Mckinley, who can’t even come up with a cool fake name, go read CNN or some other crap.


I just chatted with a rep to verify what I’ll receive and she said I ordered $25 gc but problem w computers and I’m gonna get $10 egift card. Her best idea is to cancel the order. 🙁


if they send me $10 gift cards i lose out on paying the shipping fee. i want them to refund the shipping fee. any hope in getting that back?


@josh your lying, now way possible you orderd on Tuesday this whole thing only haopend today so please take your garbage some place else


@mark 500 what??


Can someone email me a screenshot of their order confirmation to [email protected]


Sorry to all those who bought. Good luck spending it before Walmart closes down.


There are an insane amount of reports of people calling our chatting regarding their orders. Forget about if this case is different; do you really think that’s generally a wise move?

YBM Scranton

I did two separate orders of 10 & paid using paypal. No cancellation email yet. We’ll see what happens. I’m not calling cs as to raise suspicion. I’ll update if I receive them.


No cancellation email in my inbox yet. Got a confirmation of my order at 6:55pm last night.


Still not cancelled………

Order for 10


I cancelled my orders
The thought of fighting with walmart on return of 450 gift cards was stressing me out. The coffee cup return was a hassle enough.
Would have been nice


@Chacham: there always sams club!

sarena kopciel

I didnt get a cancellation. @Walmart:

Makir Tova

4 orders. 1 for 5 cards(starter) 3 for 10.

Got confirmation email on 4 for 10! No cancelation.


So bottom line what’s the strategy for people who ordered egift cards and received them pretty soon by email? Is Walmart able to void those cards? Is a return even possible?? What the heck do we do??


My order is still not canceled not calling them to findout I have all screenshots if I get 6k out this deal Dan’s lunch is on me 🙂


I spoke to 2 managers at Walmart. These are $10 cards. They are authorized to issue 1 $15 egift card PER ORDER. Meaning if you order 900 cards you will get 900 $10 gift cards and 1 $15 egift card.

They are saying it’s a price mistake and this is all they will do.


Have 3 orders, 100,100,50. My screen shot application messed up the shot for the 100 orders. Not sure if I should just cancel those and leave the 50


Can you use the giftcards? If so do it ASAP


Purchased 13 via mobile, and splurged for fastest shipping method. Still shows ‘Processing’ with an arrival date of tomorrow 1/22

I hope i dont get messed up with $10 GCs after having paid the expedited shipping.

There’s always AMEX


I got this response, what should I do?

Walmart cannot confirm the price of an item until after your order is placed. Pricing errors may occur on the Walmart Sites or through Walmart Marketplace retailers. Walmart reserves the right to cancel any orders containing pricing errors, with no further obligations to you, even after your receipt of an order confirmation or shipping notice from Walmart. Walmart may, at its discretion, either contact you for instructions or cancel your order and notify you of such cancellation.

Your order is currenlty processing. You have the option to keep order or request for cancellation.

If you have additional questions, please reply to this email and we’ll be happy to assist.


Just canceled my order, i am not in the mood to fight with Walmart, plus Walmart is not an airline there is no regulation of them honoring their mistake


What do you suggest for people sitting with orders of hundreds of cards that weren’t cancelled?
Please give us your take on what to do?


Dan, Why You didn’t send a text msg for this deal?

Adam b

Walmart is aware of the glitch they are transferring over all gift cards into $10 increments cancel while you still can

y id

At some point we need to differentiate between a “deal”, and blatantly ripping off a company. This is not the best representation of Klal Yisroel. Cmon people, can we find a more upstanding way of making a few dollars?


they will send you 10 dollar giftcards. if you show them a screenshot of your order, they might offer to honor one. One is great as well!

Thanks Dan!


Let’s say that Walmart ships me $10 gift cards instead of $25. How much risk do I have of losing a credit card dispute and getting stuck with 100, 10$ cards? Seems to me that I paid for $25 gift cards, and if they send me something other than what I paid for, with no notice of making a change, I should be able to get a refund pretty easily?


Chatted with a Walmart customer service rep.These are indeed $10 gift cards, not $25. The rep says that there was a system error issue. He apologized profusely and canceled the order at my request 🙁


Hi I just spoke to wal mart they are honoring the 25$ gift cards has anyone heard other wise?

I say

If they want to cancel my order, fine. But don’t send $10 cards. I think some people will get $25’s. lets see.


Dan’s silence is deafening


What do you want me to speculate on?
Personally I have some outstanding orders and I’ll wait and see what happens.


Dan,maybe jannis mckinley was on teamviewer 🙂 (just kidding)


Even if you get the $25 gift card for $10 I wonder why many of you calculate the profit as $15 if you resell it. There will now be THOUSANDS of these on the auction block. You’ll make more than the $10 plus shipping that you paid. But the amount may be far less than you anticipate. And that’s assuming they don’t cancel your order or send you the $10 card anyway.


Got an email earlier today that they are not honoring it due to a system error. anything that can be done?


@Waleed: how about using them yourself for $15 profit each one?


@david: I got it via Twitter as a text message


Thanks Dan for getting all of these people who ordered hundreds of gift cards screwed…

Everyone else, lets not be GREEDY!

Michelle K.

Placed an order and was confirmed took some screenshots, hopefully they will honor from a legal point of view If a pricing mistake is not noticed and the customer pays for an item at the reduced cost, the purchase is considered a legally binding contract between the retailer and the customer. The vendor has no legal right to claw back any money if it later realises there has been an error.

Walmart lol

@screwed you have serious mental health issues and I suggest you see your psychiatrist immediately


@Screwed No one was screwed. People know the risks they take. Take your complaints elsewhere.


Dan, do you suggest we taka cancel our orders?


I didn’t cancel mine.


@Dan: assuming this does’t go through, stop posting walmart price mistakes..
not only do they not honor them.. they ship some crap and then we have to deal with the dumbest people are earth to get refunds.

the coffee cup deal recently – they’re website couldn’t initiate a return label.. took me like 6 emails to them before they finally emailed a label

has there been 1 walmart price mistake that was honored?


A. I didn’t post this, JJ did.
Not that I have an issue with it.

B. They most certainly have. People got dirt cheap TVs and other things a couple years back.

C. Most people got to keep the coffee cups for free. Sounds like you got a bad rep.


@Barry unsubscribe if your not interested or don’t play the game!


Ordered only 3 cards and still no cancellation. My account says it will deliver on Wednesday. I have my screen confirmation in a pdf just in case.


In case people are unaware and the cards do go through as $25. Walmart has a policy that if you purchase something online with a Walmart gift card and then return it to the store with a receipt they put it back on any card you like (debit credit doesn’t matter if you paid with gc) not a scam before people start yelling. I have purchased things before with gc multiple times and got the refund on my discover card and yes I even reminded the cashier that I paid with a gc she said she sees that but this is their policy. So here’s to hoping they go through.


what game is this exactly? the game where you comment here like a clown and don’t actually do anything with yourself and you once saved a couple bucks on a flight, so therefore your a vet??


After talking to a customer service rep of questionable competence yesterday, who said that they would be sending me $10 cards, I got through to a supervisor today. I strongly outlined my complaints:

1) Walmart was intending to send me something significantly different (40% “quality” of what my order was) without notifying me. Only when I contacted them did I discover this.

2) They would rather save themselves $300 than satisfy my order (I ordered 20)*

3) I was advised that a refund could take up to 7 business days**

While he was very apologetic, and at first even offered to place my order again and get the cards at the same price (i.e. $25 cards for $10), agreeing it was a great deal, after speaking to his manager he told me that an email was going out to all their service centers advising people that they are to send out the $10 cards, and a $15 courtesy gift card for the inconvenience.

*Yes – I know it would have been much, much, more than $300 based on the number of comments here. I was acting as an individual though.

** The manager I spoke to said that this information – told to me by a regular operator in the call center – was not relevant as I was asking for a cancellation, not a refund. This, he said, would take just 48 hours.


So funny that people are saying they’re getting “screwed” when they were trying to “screw” Walmart due to a clear mistake.

For all of you legal scholars (NOT) blabbering on about a legal contract, you should be aware that mistake pricing over the internet is not binding… do your own legal search and you’ll find it’s true; I’m not doing your work for you.


@ben89: Spending these gift cards yourself obviously is determined by how many you have purchased. If you’ve only bought 10, almost anyone could spend $100-250 on groceries, cosmetics, office supplies, (cheap) furniture, etc, But from what I’ve read here you have people purchasing 1000’s. I would not want to be stuck with that amount of ANY gift cards unless I had a specific purchase already in mind. And Whether I had a purchase in mind or planned to resell the gift cards I would definitely do it sooner rather than later (especially with reselling since the price plummets when tens of thousands of these are attempting to be resold, the old supply/demand principle).

Supple D. Mand

@Waleed: Yes, this simple fact of economics occurs all the time when people try to sell $20 bills for $10. Supply drives the price down to only $9 (as if)

obamas fault

this happened b/c of obama! when will he finally get out of office!?


I ordered my cards with rush shipping which was supposed to arrive tomorrow (Friday). The order is stil marked as “processing”. If it was going to arrive by Friday it would’ve shipped today. Clearly Walmart is reviewing their plan of action re this order. In that case it would be extremely unlikely that they will ship $10 cards. They clearly know that the order was for $25 cards and therefore didn’t send either $25 or $10 denominations at this time.


In the heat of the moment I ordered a bunch like most did. Common sense now tells me a hacker/disgruntled employee gave Walmart a black eye. If it sounds too good to be true……


What type of protection do you recon AMEX would offer on these?


the rep told me that the gift cards will be honored at$25


It blows my mind how anyone has the Chutzpah to tell Dan off or what to do i.e. don’t post Walmart deals. Are you people serious?? “thanks for getting everyone screwed”?!?

No one is forcing anyone to do anything. You order a hundred and not you’re supposedly stuck? it’s a risk YOU took! how could you possibly go crying to Dan? He’s not your Mommy.

You don’t think Dan should post Walmart deals? don’t buy them!!
I will continue to jump on any Walmart deal that Dan posts being I have only gained from doing so, so please Dan keep them coming.

seems like the ones who post complaints to Dan are just as dumb as the “dumb” rep’s they have to deal with…Sheesh


Cardcash buys wal mart gift cards for 5 percent off


Actually 10 percent off

na nach

Just some UCC regulation for those interested.

§ 2-601. Buyer’s Rights on Improper Delivery.
Subject to the provisions of this Article on breach in installment contracts (Section 2-612) and unless otherwise agreed under the sections on contractual limitations of remedy (Sections 2-718 and 2-719), if the goods or the tender of delivery fail in any respect to conform to the contract, the buyermay

(a) reject the whole; or
(b) accept the whole; or
(c) accept any commercial unit or units and reject the rest.

§ 2-206. Offer and Acceptance in Formation of Contract.

(1) Unless otherwise unambiguously indicated by the language or circumstances

(a) an offer to make a contract shall be construed as inviting acceptance in any manner and by any medium reasonable in the circumstances:

(b) an order or other offer to buy goods for prompt or current shipment shall be construed as inviting acceptance either by a prompt promise to ship or by the prompt or current shipment of conforming or nonconforming goods, but the shipment of nonconforming goods is not an acceptance if the seller seasonably notifies the buyer that the shipment is offered only as an accommodation to the buyer.

(2) If the beginning of a requested performance is a reasonable mode of acceptance, an offeror that is not notified of acceptance within a reasonable time may treat the offer as having lapsed before acceptance.

(3) A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance in a record operates as an acceptance even if it contains terms additional to or different from the offer.


@na nach: This might be helpful during ARBITRTION but keep in mind Walmart does have a large US Legal Dept. which I’m pretty sure has their fanny covered in a situation like this. You may contact them at 702 S.W. 8th Street, Bentonville, AR 72716-018. Fax # 479-204-9575


Walmart cancelled my hole order from 950 $25 gift cards 😥😥


@Nachman: Did they give a reason for cancellation?


@Yankee: since your post seems to be aimed towards me… in my experience (and I have a life and job so perhaps i haven’t done as many deals as you), either a deal is honored or not..
never except for walmart did i have a situation where they ship the wrong product and pretend nothing is wrong…

in general, walmart has the worst customer service of any store I’ve been in (and I do try to avoid physical stores in general).

So fine, i’ll start ignoring the Walmart “deals”… Good luck to you..

Simmy G

contacted walmart today via the chat feature. made it very easy. long story short, my order is being cancelled for the 5 cards i ordered. they are issuing me a $15 eGift card as a courtesy for the inconvenience of having to wait 7 days for the refund


Any Legal Eagles out there please reply to this post. I’m aware of Walmarts policy on website errors. I have a printout of my online chat with a Walmart Rep stating they will honor the price and “I have nothing to worry about”. Does Walmart have to honor the Reps statement from a legal standpoint and is Arbitration worth the effort?


Take a screenshot of the conversation.


My CC has been charged and posted to my account but still says processing?


@dana: Will the printout suffice? It’s generated by a link in the chat box. A screenshot won’t show the whole conversation on the issue.


take a screenshot scroll down take a screenshot scroll down etc…


You can also take a video and scroll down…


Orders are getting cancelled now.


On my Credit card i see a refund for my full order. (The original charge is still in pending, as is the refund)
Walmart has not sent me a cacelation email but if I login to walmart account is says Cancelled bc the price was listed incorrectly on website.


Cancelled today, no courtesy credit.


order canceled.


They cancelled the orders 🙁 too good to be true. Received email this am.


@Dana: it was clearly a mistake and we would have gotten lucky if we got them but why get an employee fired for giving the wrong information. She clearly didn’t do it on purpose. Remember he/she has a family and she’ll probably get fired if you started demanding your gift cards because she gave you the wrong information. We all mistakes.


@Louise: I agree, thanks.


Just checked, my order of 30 hasn’t been cancelled yet.


if you have 5 min, talk to customer support and youl get $15 compensation


I received a cancellation notice yesterday (saturday) for the 5 cards I ordered. I just chatted with a walmart rep online and will get a $15 egift card via email.
better than nothing! 🙂


I chatted with them earlier and got them to give me (2) $15 cards since i had two gift card orders cancelled (both from the same account).


Do multiple orders get multiple compensations?


@lee: Update – the egift card arrived about an hour after i chatted with the rep.


Did not get any cancellation yet. Still processing.


I just chatted with a rep and she is sending me a $25 gift card as compensation. Sounds good to me!


I just chatted with a rep and she is sending me a $25 gift card as compensation via email. Sounds good to me!


amazing they honerd my oreder just chated nicly 2 egift card will come within 48 hours they sed


Andrea A. gave me a $25 gift card too!


thanks! got a $25 egift card!


thanks dan, they just sent me a $25 e-gift card.. (not $15)

Mike B

@dan is the courtesy $15 gc one per order or per person?


Thank you! also got $25 here!


They cancelled my order for e-gift cards because “the order did pass the security checks,” and after chatting they’re going to email me a $15 gift card.


I made 2 orders.. told them my wife made one and I made the other and after I asked to be transferred to a supervisor via chat i got 2 $15 EGC’s!!


Come on, that’s a terrible excuse. You’re blaming it on JJ? Gimme a break. Personally, I’d happily order a hundred of these price mistakes, hoping that one gets honored. Just use a credit card with strong consumer protections.
(I actually did well with some Walmart price mistakes, although admittedly, they weren’t posted anywhere. If this hadn’t been posted anywhere, the few people who would’ve taken judicious advantage would’ve done well too. Once people see a price mistake posted and know there’s no way it’s slipping by unnoticed, they don’t attempt to order surreptitiously. I’m not complaining; the first I saw it was on DDF. I wouldn’t have known about it myself.)


My orders are still in tact and I chatted to cancel and was told I’ll be receiving the $25 gift cards. I guess I’ll keep my orders for now.


I didn’t blame anyone nor did I have an issue with this post. I was just clarifying that it wasn’t my post.

dans fan

just chatted with a rep and she is sending me a $25 gift card as compensation per each order …. i did 3 so i got 75$ for free nice!!!!


Got a $25 egift card, thanx dan


They still didn’t cancel my order


got the $15 GC as courtesy for the cancelled orders.


I chatted, they were unhelpful. 🙁


Why are all you guys cancelling these orders? I would wait to see what happens on their side and then ask for compensation or take some kind of legal action. I deffinetley wouldn’t call them to request a cancellation!


$25 per order!!

sarena kopciel

after my chat (which i would never have done had I not seen this!) :
I really appreciate your patience! I have researched in your account and this order has not been processed correctly, this is a know error and we are working to get it resolved as soon as possible. In case I strongly recommend you to reorder. I am sincerely glad to inform you that as one time courtesy I am able to offer you a $25 eGift Card. I kindly recommend you to please allow 24-48 hours to receive the $25 eGift Card.


I made two orders on one account and they sent me a $25 gift card for only one.

me too $25

Tried earlier to call but they said “sorry there was an error and we can honor it or give you any compensation you are asking for”
(you updated and tweeted just after i hung up with them) tried the chat got $25 egift card THANKS!!!!!!!


dan so many people gained from this by getting free 25 dollars, so to me thats still a great post. so thanks jj and thanks dan my man!!


they didnt cancel me yet. what should i do? wait around or call


@simi why would they cancel you? you sound so sweet why would anyone want to cancel you??

Rick Hanson

Just got my $25 egift card!!


Just chatted and got a $25 gift card


Wait time wasn’t crazy either. Was 5th on line and got through in like 2 min


Didn’t want to give me a GC. ימח שמם. ☺


Originally gave me $15 e card. I chatted and asked to up to $25.
Ok, we’re actually offering the $15.00 eGift Cards but I can make an exception for you”


#NoWonderWhyTheyHateUs #Pathetic


I was given 2 $25 gift cards for each order i placed. since one was canceled by walmart and the other one was still showing processing.


400+ comments for a price mistake just WOW


Chatted with them told me to reorder 1 10 gift card & they will email another $15 one, did others also had to reorder the $10 gift card to get it?


@dan if my order is still processing and says it will arrive on Wednesday what should I do?


@simi: I didnt receive a cancellation email, but when I checked my recent orders on it said cancelled, so you might want to check your account since its prob cancelled


Chatted. Got 15$ gc.
Thanx Dan.


I never got an email and it has not cancelled. I just emailed them.


Mine still says processing.


Chatted and was promised a $25 E-gift card.


I had to order another $10 gift card to receive the “free” $15 egift card…I was able to do thsi for each order.


Now my order says:
We canceled this item on January 25, 2016 because the price was listed incorrectly on our website.

No email whatsoever.


Got $25 free e-gift card for inconvenience!


Great success yegshinmaya

Going to receive a 25$ GC for my cancelled order (order was cancelled around 2AM this morning). Got the offer through chat.

Thanks Dan!

free 25 better than nothing

I contacted walmart through chat and gladly accepted the $25 e-gift card that they offered for the inconvenience of the cancelled order.


Me, too. Got $25 egift card for cancellation… or that’s what was promised anyway.


Did anyone actually get the GC they promised over the chat?


i actually got a $25 gc as compensation


@why: You agreed to “INDEMNIFICATION” when you used the website. Walmart has their fanny covered 20 ways from Sunday. There is no winning legal recourse available. Take the $ and run.


My order of 50 GCs got canceled. Spoke to rep and got compensated with a $50 GC


@Dov77: @Dov77: $25 promised on w/in 48 hrs… Almost 96hrs later…nothin’


Still, nothing from Walmart. – tick, tock. Tick, tock


@TIN_Trust-n-Dan: I did a chat and they processed it immideatly. May be they are intentionally holding back for the customer to call back.


SRI, Thanks. – Once is not enuff. Yes, it took another chat session with Walmart to get the $25 egift card promised a week ago.

persistence pays, non?


They promised me a gift card and I still haven’t received one.


I already chatted 3 times and still have not received the 25.00 gift card they promised me. They keep saying that they see it in my account and it will come through, first within 48 hours, then within 7 days and then again within the next 72 hours. So far nothing…

Heebie Heebcock

final update: received full refund. received $15 eCard.

lesson learned: don’t be such a cheap mofo


Did anyone follow through with their order?

Adam B

I don’t know which is worse…the fact that they cancelled my order or the fact that friday afternoon I received a package containing 950 gift cards that don’t work


What to do if ten gift cards came in the mail for only 10$ each?



I have the same situation. Chatted several times and they said they are sending me a gift card but it never arrives. is a joke.

Aedyn Johnson

I saw the price on a pair of jeans and i took it to the reigter and it rang up as 10 dollars more then what it said so i asked a employe and they said its 10 theres nothing i can do and rolled her eyes walked very rude
