Ends Today: Macy’s Flash Sale: Boys’ Suits For Just $9.67 Plus Men’s Suits $59.25, Non-Iron Shirts $13.50, Non-Iron Pants $17.50, Dress Shoes $18, And More!

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Update: DEAD!

Update: This sale ends today!

Also on sale are Boys’ 2 and 4 Piece suits from just $9.67 here and 4 pairs of Gold Toe Men’s Socks for just $5 here!

Macy’s Flash Sale: Save 60%-85% On Men’s Suits, Shoes, Shirts, Pants, And More!

Use 60%-85% off code: 2DAY

Shipping is free on $25+ orders.

Sample deals after the discount code above:






Post what deals you find!

HT: abebee, via DDF

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23 Comments On "Ends Today: Macy’s Flash Sale: Boys’ Suits For Just $9.67 Plus Men’s Suits $59.25, Non-Iron Shirts $13.50, Non-Iron Pants $17.50, Dress Shoes $18, And More!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


I think the Macy’s in Herald Square is having an even bigger sale… looks like everything is free.


Can’t we just get it all for free?


That is being a thief, we as god fearing people don’t Think that’s even funny


Considering that he was clearly joking, speak for yourself when you say that you don’t think it’s funny. Many of us actually think it IS funny.
“Humor is in the ears of the beholder”

Texas Totty

Made me smile actually

Chuchum Ainer

I found it funny


I was going to make the joke myself, but since he beat m to it, I’ll just be self righteous instead

Texas Totty

What’s the difference between the 3 Docker’s dress pants for $17.50?

matt matt

wondering the same thing myself

Texas Totty

Maybe because you need 2 for free shipping.


Are the sale items returnable for 90 days?


wondering that myself.. what about closeout items?
I don’t see any exclusions for them in the return policy..


socks are either one size or 10-13?

what about shoe size 8-10?


lol why is it not allowing me to place an order last night and today an error message keeps popping up?


I truly enjoy DansDeals and the value of community that your platform promotes. However, it is disheartening to see individuals making light of a man who was killed and is impacting the lives of many people on an emotional, physical and mental level.

To be people of faith, I know love is expressed in every religion and that extends to mankind. It would be great if you could speak to your followers of expressing narratives that may be hurtful to others.

pincos kahana

yes, its impacting me bec. of this curfew in nyc

Straight Shooter

Theses thugs that looted Macy’s has absolutely nothing to do with an innocent man’s murder in Minneapolis. These are professional trouble makers who are taking advantage of an unfortunate situation. Please respect George Floyd’s memory and condemn this evil for what it is.


I agree, but that is not the context in which the statement was said. Hence my response was based on the joke that was made. Maybe it was an innocent joke; I don’t know the intent. However, I received it as inappropriate and hurtful.

Let us be mindful of the pain and anger that this is causing some people. And I am sorry if for some the only takeaway is an inconvenience of a curfew or stores being closed.

I would truly encourage us to be supportive of a fight against oppression, inequity, prejudice, abuse of power, and blatant racism.


After spending a long time browsing, just getting a popup about technical issues at checkout. As mentioned by someone else above.


Was able to checkout no problem
Will probably end up returning everything anyway but hey who doesn’t love 80% off


Thanks Dan, got some amazing deals!!
