Follow Me To Antarctica!

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I’m sitting at the Airspace lounge in Cleveland, enjoying a free drink and getting some work done before my flight. It’s one of the reason I keep my AMEX Business Platinum card open. I used Pre-Check, which is free with the card to get through security in 2 minutes. I’ll stop by Bar Symon on my way to my gate where I’ll pickup $28 of free snacks from the Priority Pass membership that comes with the card. I have 3 checked bags, so I used the airline fee credit from the card to get the 3rd bag for free. I’ll have free WiFi onboard thanks to the 10 free GoGo passes that the Business Platinum card includes. Plus I’ll have Centurion lounge access in Miami and in Buenos Aires along the way. A card like Chase Sapphire Reserve®® has a lower effective annual fee and includes a $300 airline fee credit as well as Priority Pass access and Pre-Check membership.

During my connection in Miami I’ll be checking out the Kosher Food & Wine event, so come over and say hello if you see me.

I’ll be in Buenos Aires at the Park Hyatt (a bargain at 20K Chase or Hyatt points) for Shabbos before flying down to Ushuaia on Sunday.

In Ushuaia I’ll meet up with over 50 kosher observant passengers who are joining me on the first ever kosher catered cruise to Antarctica. You can read my original post about the cruise here.

Our group will consist of Jews with a diverse range of backgrounds from their 20s to their 70s. All are looking forward to completing the ultimate bucket list item of stepping foot, and perhaps even camping out, in Antarctica.

The members of our group will be coming from over a dozen different cities to meet in Argentina and cruise to the most remote continent on Earth!

We’ll board our cruise to Antarctica on Monday and will have to sail through the infamous Drake Passage to reach Antarctica.

I hope to be able to share pictures on Instagram, so be sure follow @DansDeals there to see all of the latest updates.

My brother JJ will keep posting great bargains while I’m traveling, though I’ll try to share some posts as well.

You can track our ship’s location here.

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39 Comments On "Follow Me To Antarctica!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.

Future best friend

Take me with you Daddy dan


Enjoy your trip, Dan! Looking forward to seeing pics and updates along the way!


Safe travels! How can I send shliach mitzvah money?


You mean shliach mitzva miles! Lol!


Your dollar won’t feed the hungry penguins there..


Nice! Trip of all trips! What airline are you flying to EZE?


Crucial peice if missing info….what airline…shouldn’t you get 3 bags with OW and *A…




In Ushuaia there is an ice cream/coffee store called Freddo which is part of an Argentinean chain that as of 3 years ago had kosher certification from Buenos Aires. Non cholov yisroel.


BeenTHERE-not their ( if you want to come across jaded, it works better if you use the right word)


Thank you.


I’ll be on the same ship, on the next voyage just after you. Don’t destroy the ship with wild parties, please. 😉


Safe travels! Enjoy your trip! Definitely the dream trip of a lifetime. Will look forward to your updates.


thats a brave and courageous trip!!!!!! have fun and stay warm!!!!

Yitzie Selengut

Dan, Can you do me a HUGE favor on Antarctica? Can you learn a few Mishnayit in memory of Chayalim? If you can, it would be great. I’d you need any further information please email me, or check out the page. Or anyone else who will be down there with you. Much thanks.


Radical Zionist! C’mon!!

Isaac K.

Make berachos with a lot of kavana, learn a lot and do as many mitzvos as possible. Imagine the nitzotzos that have been in Antarctica, waiting for a frum yid to finally come along and give them an aliyah!! What an opportunity!! Enjoy the trip!!


Remember hearing a while ago that they brought a printing press to Antarctica to print the Tanya there. Was way before the days of laptops and portable printers.


Yes! rabbi alpern from Brazil,I believe.


This is amazing. And to think that maybe it all came about due to that fateful mistreatment where they refused to allow you to take kosher food on the cruise in the first place and now it’s become an entire kosher cruise! It all happens for a reason… but our responses are left up to us. Kol hakavod


Can we send you guys people to daven for? I imagine tefillot from Antarctica are so rare that they have to garner special attention up in shamayim. Can I send you someone to daven for? Or make a mishebeirach list for the trip? Asking in all seriousness.


Tefillos are best accepted from a Shul, and holy places. They Garner special attention in Shamayim.
No need to be exotic.
Happy Chanukah!
However, elevating the gashmiyus of these places, definitely takes it to a new level. As others have mentioned.
Use your time wisely! Print a Tanya ;)! ( Or at least learn some Tanya.)

mivakesh shalom

what’s with this whole printing tanya’s discussion. Is there some inyan to print a tanya that I don’t know about? am I going to gehenim?


As part of the “Vayefutzu” the Lubavitche believe in printing the Tanya on the entire globe. Look in the back pages of every Lekity Amurim tanya.


wow. You’re so right… That must be what I and all those who we’ve been davening for were missing.

I mean, knowing that “even people in Zal’s shul are praying on their behalf” is going to be so much more inspiring and meaningful to them than hearing that even people in Antarctica are!
Mamash, what was I thinking!!


Have a safe and enjoyable trip!
A Freillechin Chanuka!
Regards to all the eskimos


Do think he’s going to the Sahara


Dan, are you going to print a Tanya in Antarctica?

Ahmad Ali

Is there going to be Halal meat onboard? Any of my bros going?


I dont believe for a minute a Lakewood guy like you prefers Halal.

mivakesh shalom

when you go up to shamayim they won’t ask were you in italy? were you in france? did you make it to new zealnd? they’ll say reb yid were you in Ushuaia!!! 😉


Have a safe trip there and back, enjoy yourself. Perhaps you’ll become the official Shliach there.


I believe I read that they recently got a chabad house there, so he’s a little late


When you can take the cost of the trip as a business expense, that’s not a bad deal.

the better

wait… is antartica further or closer than HEL?


@Dan, hope it’s actually in the plans to print a Tanya (which is btw really easy to do these days) which will be the first ever in Antarctica!! And your trip will be remembered forever!
Much Hatzlacha there and enjoy!!

mark nissel

religious Jews have been in antartica before lol…. You can be yotzei with going on a cruise and eating tuna fish and peanut butter. the 5 star all inclusive all you can eat 24/7 buffet isn’t needed to fulfill going to antartica. I went very recently from new Zealand where i am located.
