STEAL OF A DEAL!!! LUVS Diapers Coupons-Get Better Than Buy One Get One Free At Target Stores!!!

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Originally posted on 06/21:
The coupons say limit of 1 item per coupon, so you should be able to use one BOGO(Buy one get one free) coupon and one $3 coupon for 2 packs of diapers!

Example: There are 86 size 2 diapers in a mega-pack, for a total of 172 diapers with 2 packs. If you are able to use one BOGO and one $3 coupon on the 2 packs your cost will be about $6.99, which is only 4 cents a diaper!!!

Buy One Get One Free Coupon Linky (Exp:06/26)
$3 Off Coupon Linky (Exp: 06/30)

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9 Comments On "STEAL OF A DEAL!!! LUVS Diapers Coupons-Get Better Than Buy One Get One Free At Target Stores!!!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


what is a BOGO?


Hi Dan
I got a digital cam as a gift is there a store I can go to and get a store credit or exchange it without a receipt?
on ebay they sell way below the value so I don’t want to sell it there.
Thank you


its unusual for a bochur to get excited over diapers.


I leave in crown heights, can you tel me to go to six flag wich one should I go,
and if you know any good deals.

[email protected]


i think you should have a seperate place on the site where ppl. can ask questions that don’t pertain to the deal posted. It’s annoying to look at the comments and expect to be reading about the diaper deal, and instead reading everyones other questions.


I dont know of any stores that take electronics back without a receipt.

I tried a separate site for questions-remember the very-short lived ctownforums!


Still want to go to six flags??????
I would rather have MY FEET!!!!!!!!
That’s what happens when you hire a bunch of teenagers at minimum wage to run amusement park rides!!!!!!!


Why was ctownforums short lived? Is it too much to moderate? I think a forum would be great.


Just got 4 packages of diapers!!! Thanks a lot Dan
