Ad: WIN $100,000 CASH!

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This is the best investment offer you have received in a long time! You have a chance to win $100,000

Your ticket is one of only 20,000 that can be drawn. That is a GREAT chance in today’s economic environment.


Your donation will IMMEDIATELY be applied to the Phoenix Community Kollel’s Torah Learning and Life programs in Phoenix, Arizona AND its TAX and Maaser deductable!

One Chance for $100 Two Chances for $180 Three Chances for $250 YOU CAN’T GO WRONG!

Go to today and join the most promising investment syndicate of the Year!

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1 Comment On "Ad: WIN $100,000 CASH!"

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Yosef Chaim

Hey Daniel,
I recently missed the Amazon deal for the 1st generation 16GB iTouch (for shiurim, of course) for $200 (due to warranty concerns I was wary to pull the trigger). I was wondering what your opinion is on the refurbished ones (2nd generation) from the Apple Store. It says it comes with the same one year warranty as the new ones, but I heard that you can’t get the 3 year coverage plan (a necessity because iPods last, b’erech, 1.5 years). I would be very interested to hear your opinion, as Channuka is coming up and I need a new MP3 device. Thanks so much and kol tuv and Mazal Tov to you and Mimi.
